How do I get to the full text of an article from PubMed?


Please access PubMed through the Library’s website. 

PubMed provides links to publishers websites to more easily facilitate the connection between a citation to the actual the full text. However, unless a journal or article is available for free, you need to have a subscription in order to access the full text of the article. To more easily connect to the research articles you need, The DMU Library has set up a customized URL to PubMed that enables a DMU Library icon to display on every record in the database.

The DMU Library icon will connect you to our full text holdings when the Library has a subscription. When you are off campus, you will be prompted to log into the DMU network the first time you try to access an article. 

When the Library does not have a subscription, this same icon will connect you to our interlibrary loan/document delivery service so you can request a copy of the article.  If you already signed up for an account with our ILL service, (Illiad), then the request form will be automatically filled out with the citation information from PubMed.

  • Last Updated Apr 13, 2023
  • Views 48
  • Answered By Jill Edgerton

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