How do I connect to the campus WiFi?


Information Technology Services (ITS) provides technology services in support of DMU’s academic, clinical and research needs. For up to date information about campus connectivity issues, please contact 

Solutions HUb



Guests and visitors can connect to the guest wireless network for the duration of their stay.

  1. Select DMUGuest from the list of wireless networks on your computer or mobile device.

  2. Open a web browser and attempt to navigate to a website. You will be redirected to the Captive Portal site.

  3. Read and accept the Terms of Use and click Log In.

  4. It may take up to 15 seconds for the internet to connect.

  5. Confirm you are connected and have internet access.


DMU Students or Employees

On your DMU (Windows) laptop

  • Click the wireless network icon in your system tray and select the DMU network.

  • Enter your DMU username and password when prompted.

  • Confirm you have connected.


On phones/mobile devices

iOS devices

  • Select the DMU network
  • Enter your DMU Username login and password (not your Full UPN)
    1. Students = [username] do not include
    2. Staff = [username] do not include
  • Click JOIN
  • Certificate will prompt, click TRUST


Android devices

The Android operating system can vary from device to device and between different versions of the operating system.

The information below is relevant to all versions, but the pictures and steps may not be.

  1. Select the DMU network
  2. Set the following settings
    1. EAP method = PEAP
    2. Phase 2 authentication = MSCHAPV2
    3. CA Certificate = Use System Certificates (if use system certificates does not work switch this to do not validate)
    4. Certificate Status = Require Status
    5. Domain =
    6. Identity = DMU username
      1. Students = [username] do not include
      2. Staff = [username] do not include
    7. Password = DMU password


  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2023
  • Views 1133
  • Answered By Jill Edgerton

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