I'm having trouble accessing library resources from off campus, what should I do?


First try to delete the cookies from your browser. Then close/re-open the browser and access the resource again. After trying this nifty trick to clear out corrupted files lurking in your browser, if you are still asked to log into a site, pay for content, encounter error screens, or run into any other barriers, please let us know. Often, we don't know there is a problem unless you tell us.

The authentication/log in for library resources is slightly different from the log in you use when accessing D2L, etc. Just enter the text prior to the @ sign for your email, as in the example below. Your password is the same. This is a modified log in from what you use with other DMU services.

When off campus, you must use the URLs provided by the library, All DMU library resources have a unique URL. You will not be able to google your way into these resources when off campus. Even PubMed has a unique URL.

ITS encountered an issue yesterday with our Direct Access network connection. This is what allows your computer to be “connected” to our on campus network when off-site. Unfortunately due to the nature of the error and the end of support from Microsoft, we are going to remove the Direct Access settings from your laptop.

It’s important that you remove these settings so that you can continue to access DMU resources from on and off campus.

Follow the steps below:
1. Click this link to open up OneDrive
a. https://dmu365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/helpdesk_dmu_edu/EiZhT2U8icJIo9uKVTrq41QBojTmixXmK1WLB4yG7_gpJA?e=QXIa0z
2. Download the DARemover-Student.bat file and save to your desktop.
a. Do not double-click or run after downloading through the browser.
3. Right-Click the file and Run As administrator
4. Reboot your computer
5. Delete the file as it is no longer needed

After this change you will be prompted to use the 2-Step Verification when signing into DMU resources. Remember you can use the option to remember the device for 14 days.
  • Last Updated Jul 14, 2023
  • Views 34
  • Answered By Jill Edgerton

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